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1,401 Million Litres Of Renewable Fuels Supplied For Transport Fuel Targets

The government has revealed it is on track to meet its green targets when it comes to transport fuel, as more than 1,401 million litres equivalent of renewable fuels were supplied for this purpose in 2018.

According to the latest Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) Statistics report, released today (March 1st), the proportion of fuel that transport suppliers provide that comes from biofuels has risen over the last year.

Indeed, according to the previous report, only 419 million litres of renewable fuel were supplied in 2017/18, showing a significant growth in figures.

This is intended to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fuels and lower our reliance on fossil fuels by using green alternatives instead.

The most recent findings showed 675 million litres, equivalent to 48 per cent of this fuel, met sustainability requirements, and comprised of biodiesel (58 per cent), bio-ethanol (39 per cent), and bio-methanol (1.3 per cent).

There were also traces of bio-methane (0.7 per cent), off-road bio-diesel (0.5 per cent), and bio-petrol (0.3 per cent).

Government figures showed that the majority of the renewable fuels that met the sustainability criteria was formed out of waste or residue, which is known as ‘double counting’ feedstock. A huge 74 per cent of the 675 million litres was made from this, showing the importance of re-using waste to create usable fuel.

The report suggested that using more renewable fuel in transport has had a big impact on reducing GHG emissions so far. It showed an aggregated GHG savings of 79 per cent compared to fossil fuels during the period monitored in 2018.