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Scancell Advances R&D In Immuno-Oncology

The research and development (R&D) activities of Scancell have been put in the spotlight by Proactive Investors, with the website doing a deep dive on the company and its prospects.

The news provider noted that the firm is showing promise with two projects in the field of immuno-oncology, it’s ImmunoBody and Moditope treatments.

ImmunoBody is set to enter its Phase 2 clinical study this year. This will focus on its SCIB1 drug that is being used in conjunction with Merck’s Keytruda checkpoint inhibitor as a treatment for advanced melanoma.

SCIB1 works by targeting and stimulating the existing cells that form the body’s defence mechanisms.

Scancell’s Moditope vaccine – Modi-1 – has been touted as a potential treatment for breast and ovarian cancer, as well as sarcoma; and is expected to begin its clinical trials in 2019. The firm has also created Modi-2, which the company believes can be used to fight tumours that suppress the immune system.

It’s also developed Modi-3, which was an important part of the firm’s collaboration with BioNTech, Genentech and ISA Pharmaceuticals. Named Project Blueprint, the initiative put Modi-3 at the heart of its treatment for tackling established tumours as part of Cancer Research UK’s Grand Challenge.

Another company to watch in the field of immuno-oncology is Grey Wolf, with Pharma Times recently reporting that the firm has completed its £10 million series A financing, which it will use to develop immuno-oncology therapies that can increase the visibility of tumours.

If you need a pharmaceutical alcohol supplier for any R&D work you’re involved in, get in touch with us today.