Premium quality solvents for the flavours and fragrance industries.
Premium quality solvent available with supporting documentation, and secure provenance, from both synthetic and fermentation source. Tested by our in-house laboratory to ensure conformance to the major global pharmacopeia – USP, BP/EP, JP. Absolute alcohol is preferred for applications where moisture control is important. Kosher and Kosher Passover available.
Premium quality solvent available with supporting documentation, and secure provenance, from both synthetic and fermentation source. Tested by our in-house laboratory to ensure conformance to FCC and major pharmacopeia BP/EP & JP. This is the most widely used grade of alcohol and it is suitable for a wide range of applications throughout industry. Kosher available.
Premium quality solvent available with supporting documentation, and secure provenance, from both synthetic and fermentation source. This is a traditional grade of alcohol that is specified in food and pharmaceutical formulations. Tested in our in-house laboratory to ensure conformance to USP. Kosher available.
Premium quality solvent available with supporting documentation, secure provenance. IPA is widely used in sanitation, pharmaceutical preparations and the food industry. It can be tested to ensure compliance to the major pharmacopeia BP/EP, USP, JP and to FCC. Kosher and Halal available.
Premium grade solvent used in food, flavour/fragrance and pharmaceutical applications. Tested to major pharmacopeia including BP/EP, USP. Kosher and Halal available.
Premium grade solvent used in fragrance applications.
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Kimia is a division of HG & Co – Company Number: 1784071 – VAT Number : GB 512 3751 75