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New Shampoo Developed With ‘Long-Lasting Fragrance’

As an ethanol supplier for the fragrance and cosmetics industry, we were interested to hear about a new creation by scientists which promises to revolutionise the shampoo industry.

When consumers wash their hair, most shampoo fragrances with only stay on the hair for a few hours, as most shampoos rid the hair of essential oil which in fact helps to hold the scent.

However, now scientists have designed a new formulation of shampoo, which will give consumers fragrant smelling hair for up to 24 hours, with the scent being gradually released over time. I

In the process of manufacturing shampoo, adding the fragrance into the mix is usually the most costly element and for consumers, scent can be a big sway as to which product they pick up off the shelf.

However, many consumers don’t realise that shampoo’s fragrance at present is not long-lasting, as new oils generated by the hair succeed the scent with the smells of everyday life with which the person comes into contact.

Dr Andreas Herrmann, a chemist who works for Firmenich creating various scents for cosmetics and also worked alongside the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology on the breakthrough formula was quoted by the Daily Mail saying: “Consumers often correlate tidiness and cleanliness with a pleasant smell, so prolonging the perception of the fragrance can give a positive impression.”

Within the special formula the fragrance is contained inside tiny micro capsules smaller than the width of a strand of hair, which will latch onto the hair and burst throughout the day.